
Our curriculum includes the most up-to-date knowledge and skills that are being taught in dentistry and practiced in the clinical settings. The curriculum is delivered by fulfilling three components of instruction, learning, and assessment. Below you will see how the course will be divided.

Week 1: 

DEN 101- Introduction to Dental Assisting, Professional and Legal Aspects of Dental Assisting, Anatomy and Physiology, Dental Anatomy

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

Lab 201- Identify the Major Landmarks, Structures, and Normal Tissues of the Mouth, Identify the Teeth and Name the Tooth Surfaces, Identifying the Equipment in an Operatory

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 2: 

DEN 102- Disease Transmission, Infection Control and Management of Hazardous Materials, Surface Disinfection and Treatment Room Preparation, Instrument Processing

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 202- Infection Control, Performing Treatment Room Cleaning and Disinfection, Instrument Processing, Medical History Review and Vitals, Admitting and Seating the Patient

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 3: 

DEN 103-Clinical Dentistry, Moisture Control, The Dental Patient, The Dental Examination

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 203- Transferring Instruments Using the Single-Handed Technique and the Two-Handed Technique, performing a Mouth Rinse, Positioning the High-Volume Evacuator, Moisture Control, Charting of Teeth, Patient Record

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 4: 

DEN 104- Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, Pain and Anxiety Control, Radiation Safety and Production of X-Rays, Oral Radiography

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 204- CPR Course and Exam and Responding to Emergency Situations, Applying Topical Anesthetic Ointment, Assembling the Local Anesthetic Syringe, Practicing Infection Control with Oral Radiography, Taking Full Mouth Set of X-Rays and Panoramic X-Rays

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 5:

DEN 105- Preventive Care, Coronal Polishing and Dental Sealants, Instruments, Handpieces, and Accessories, Restorative and Esthetic Dental Materials, Restorative Procedures

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

Lab 205- Coronal Polishing, Flossing, Applying Fluoride, Identifying Instruments, Dental Handpieces, Prep for Composite Resin, Mixing Temporary and Permanent Cement, assembling a Matrix Band, Placing Matrix Bands and Wedges

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 6:

DEN106- Impression Materials and Laboratory Procedures, Prosthodontics and Dental Implants, Periodontics, Endodontics

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 206- Mixing Alginate Impression Material, Taking Maxillary and Mandibular Impressions, Mixing Dental Stone, Pouring Dental Models

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 7: 

DEN 107-Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, The Job Search

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 207- Trimming Dental Models, Vacu-Form Machines to Fabricate a Night Guard or Whitening Trays, Dental Procedure Set Ups and Materials

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 8:

DEN 108- Arkansas State Board Exam Review (Coronal Polishing and Oral Radiography)

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 208- Nitrous Oxide Course and Exam

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 9: 

DEN 109-Arkansas State Board Final, Final Review of All Chapters

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 209- Fabricating and Cementing a Custom Acrylic Provisional Crown, Performing X-Rays

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4

Week 10: 

DEN 110- AM- Final Exam, Lab Final / PM-Graduation Handout Completion

Certificates, CPR Cards, Nitrous Oxide Administration Certificates, and RDA Licenses

Lecture Credit Hours: 4

LAB 210- Review of Labs Requested

Laboratory Credit Hours: 4